Flat Possum 应用

TVGU/SL/X7 License Activator 1.5
Flat Possum
This is the license activator for theTeamViewer Go Unattended app.This is for all versions of the app: standard, SL (for SIM-lessdevices) and Neo X7 (for Minix TV boxes).You will need to install the free trial of TeamViewer GoUnattended (any of the above mentioned versions) before runningthis tool.After running this tool you'd be able to keep using TeamViewerGo Unattended (any version) indefinitely.After the license has been activated you can uninstall thistool. Your TVGU app will stay activated.
TeamViewer Go Unattended NeoX7 1.63
Flat Possum
Customized for the Minix Neo X7! (Wouldprobably work the same in any Minix Neo device in 720p or othesimilar resolution devices)The only way to connect to TeamViewer QuickSupport on an unattendedX7 device!*** Please verify your device meets all prerequisites beforeinstalling ****** Requires ROOT - Due to its User-Interface interactioncapability this app mus gain ROOT permission to "tap"soft-buttons.*** Requires Android version 4.4 (Kitkat) or higher.*** Requires Facebook Messenger to be installed.*** Requires TeamViewer QuickSupport to be installed.*** Requires the free Notification Listener plugin - install fromGoogle Play.* If you run TVUL-SL without the Notification Listener, it willprompt you to install it.*** Before using this app, You must add Notification Listener tothe permitted apps in the Accessibility Settings (under AndroidSettings). This is so TVUL-SL can intercept Facebook messages so itknows to launch TeamViewer QuickSupport.SIM-less (SL) verson: This version is specifically tweaked fordevices that cannot install the regular version due to the appshowing as "incompatible with your device", in particularly AndroidTV devices.Start a TeamViewer remote session with your UNATTENDED SIM-lessdevice!TeamViewer is probably the best remote control app out there. Itenables full control and screen mirroring for your Android devicefrom a remote PC, working on the device as if it was in yourhand.However, it has one big drawback, it require someone to tap"Allow" when a remote connection is made, preventing users thefreedom to fully unleash its power not only for support, but alsofor using the device's various capabilities while no one is thereto approve the connection.Until now :)Introducing TeamViewer Unattended Launcher for SIM-Less devices- TVUL-SL:TVUL-SL is your finger-on-the-device when there's no one thereto accept your connection.It is triggered remotely by sending your device a unique TriggerCode via the Facebook messaging service, then launch TeamViewerQuickSupport and wait for the connection approval popup toappear.Once a TeamViewer connection is made, TVUL will "tap" the"Allow" button on your behalf, approving the connection andallowing you full control over your device.This is a customized version of the TVUL-SL app (TeamViewerUnattended Launcher for SIM-Less devices) made specifically for theMinix Neo X7 with KitKat 240 firmware.*IMPRTANT!Please be aware that TeamViewer QuickSupport has no specific pluginfor the Minix 240 firmware that makes it hang if attempting toremote an X7 that is set for 1080p display.If you want to use TeamViewer QuickSupport with Minix Neo X7 withKitKat v240 ROM, make sure to set the display resolution to 720p,otherwise TeamViewer will hang on "Initializing displayparameters".This is NOT a bug with TVUL!Features:* Free one week trial. The app is fully functional during thetrial period, after which a license activation is required.* Remotely triggered by sending a unique Trigger Code via theFacebook messaging service.* Trigger Code is protected by a PIN. use your PIN to recover alost/forgotten Trigger Code locally. The SL version does notsupport remote PIN recovery.IMPORTANT:* The app was designed for HD displays. It may not display properlyon lower resolution screens but should still function.* If you forget your Recovery PIN you will need to contact supporton info@flatpossum.net.nz to resetit. Uninstalling will not reset your PIN.
Battery Level Minder (Basic) 1.0.3
Flat Possum
Set an alert to pop up when the batteryleveldrops to the pre-set value.This app was created to stop my boy from draining myphone'sbattery every morning before I go to work, when he's playinghis HDgames.Especially designed for those who lose track on time whenonFacebook/YouTube/gaming session.The alert screen blocks all activities for 3 seconds beforeitcan be dismissed, and cannot be ignored.The app runs as a service in the background, and settingsareaccessible from the Notification Bar.It will only be active while not charging, and batterylevelmonitoring is triggered by charge level change, so it hashardlyany impact on battery consumption.Features:* Alert popup screen blocks all activities for 3 seconds whenapre-set battery level has been reached.* Trigger battery level can be set to 90%, 80%, 70%, 60%or50%.* Alert text can be personalised.* Hardly any battery consumption by the app.* All settings are accessible via the Notification Bar.Battery level monitoring can be enabled and disabled fromthesettings screen, accessible from the Notification Bar.When monitoring is disabled, the notification is still displayedsothe settings interface is readily available, but there isnobattery consumption by the app.Keeping the app enabled will trigger the alert every timethebettery level drops down to the pre-set level afterarecharge.The battery consumption by the app is very small, as itonlychecking levels upon a change in battery percentage.If you exit the app, the notification is eliminated. Youwillthen have to start the app again to use it.*****This is the basic version of the app.A Pro version is coming soon with more featuresandflexibility.Pro version features:* All basic features plus:* Optional - require a PIN to dismiss the alert.* Snooze option.* Adjustable delay before the alert can be dismissed.* Programmable scheduler.
TeamViewer Go Unattended 1.41
Flat Possum
*** For devices with no SIM card install theSIM-Less version (TVGU-SL in Google Play) ****** For Minix Neo X5/X7/X8 use the Minix optimized version(TeamViewer Go Unattended NeoX7 in Google Play)*** Requires root permissions! It will only work on a rooteddevice! ***Enables starting a TeamViewer remote session with yourUNATTENDED device!TeamViewer is probably the best remote control app out there. Itenables full control and screen mirroring for your Android devicefrom a remote PC, working on the device as if it was in yourhand.However, it has one big drawback, it require someone to tap"Allow" when a remote connection is made, preventing users thefreedom to fully unleash its power not only for support, but alsofor using the device's various capabilities while no one is thereto approve the connection.Until now :)Introducing TeamViewer Go Unattended - TVGU:TVGU is your finger-on-the-device when there's no one there toaccept your connection.It is triggered remotely by sending your device a unique TriggerCode via text/SMS or a Facebook Messenger message, then launchTeamViewer QuickSupport and wait for the connection approval popupto appear.Once a TeamViewer connection is made, TVGU will "tap" the"Allow" button on your behalf, approving the connection andallowing you full control over your device.Features:* Free one week trial. The app is fully functional during thetrial period, after which a license activation is required.* Remotely triggered by a unique Trigger Code.* Trigger code can be sent by text/SMS or Facebook messagingservice.* Facebook triggering can be enabled/disabled.* Set a Recovery Phone Number to which you can have a Trigger Codereminder sent.* Trigger Code is protected by a PIN. use your PIN to recover alost/forgotten Trigger Code, either locally on the device, orremotely via text/SMS.IMPORTANT:* For ROOTED devices only! Due to its User-Interface interactioncapability this app mus gain ROOT permission to "tap"soft-buttons.* The app was designed for HD displays. It may not display properlyon lower resolution screens.* This is not a stand-alone product. TeamViewer QuickSupport mustbe installed on your device.* This app is triggered remotely by an incoming text/SMS or aFacebook Messenger message. The device must be SMS capable to useremote PIN recovery. You must have Facebook Messenger installed touse Facebook message triggering.* Triggering by Facebook message is disabled by default. Enable itin the setup page.A version for Android TV boxes and other SIM-less devices willbe available shortly. The license activator will work for bothversions! One purchase only!
TeamViewer Go Unattended-SL 1.59
Flat Possum
The only way to connect toTeamViewerQuickSupport on an unattended device!*** Please verify your device meets all prerequisitesbeforeinstalling ****** For Minix Neo X5/X7/X8 use the Minix optimizedversion(TeamViewer Go Unattended NeoX7 in Google Play)*** Requires ROOT - Due to its User-Interfaceinteractioncapability this app mus gain ROOT permission to"tap"soft-buttons.*** Requires Android version 4.4 (Kitkat) or higher.*** Requires Facebook Messenger to be installed.*** Requires TeamViewer QuickSupport to be installed.*** Requires the free Notification Listener plugin - installfromGoogle Play.* If you run TVGU-SL without the Notification Listener, itwillprompt you to install it.*** Before using this app, You must add Notification Listener tothepermitted apps in the Accessibility Settings (underAndroidSettings). This is so TVGU-SL can intercept Facebookmessages so itknows to launch TeamViewer QuickSupport.SIM-less (SL) verson: This version is specifically tweakedfordevices that cannot install the regular version due to theappshowing as "incompatible with your device", in particularlyAndroidTV devices.Start a TeamViewer remote session with your UNATTENDEDSIM-lessdevice!TeamViewer is probably the best remote control app out there.Itenables full control and screen mirroring for your Androiddevicefrom a remote PC, working on the device as if it was inyourhand.However, it has one big drawback, it require someone totap"Allow" when a remote connection is made, preventing usersthefreedom to fully unleash its power not only for support, butalsofor using the device's various capabilities while no one isthereto approve the connection.Until now :)Introducing TeamViewer Go Unattended for SIM-Less devices-TVGU-SL:TVGU-SL is your finger-on-the-device when there's no one theretoaccept your connection.It is triggered remotely by sending your device a uniqueTriggerCode via the Facebook messaging service, then launchTeamViewerQuickSupport and wait for the connection approval popuptoappear.Once a TeamViewer connection is made, TVGU will "tap" the"Allow"button on your behalf, approving the connection andallowing youfull control over your device.Features:* Free one week trial. The app is fully functional duringthetrial period, after which a license activation isrequired.* Remotely triggered by sending a unique Trigger Code viatheFacebook messaging service.* Trigger Code is protected by a PIN. use your PIN to recoveralost/forgotten Trigger Code locally. The SL version doesnotsupport remote PIN recovery.IMPORTANT:* The app was designed for HD displays. It may not displayproperlyon lower resolution screens but should stillfunction.* If you forget your Recovery PIN you will need to contactsupporton info@flatpossum.net.nz to reset it. Uninstalling will notresetyour PIN.
GoPro SD Backup2Phone 480p 1.2.103
Flat Possum
GoPro SD Backup2Phone 480p* Important note: If you have the free versioninstalled,uninstall it before downloading this version!Failing to do so will prevent the One Tap Preset featurefromworking.If that already happened, long-tap the One Tap Preset buttonthenrestart the app to fix the problem.Quickly backup your GoPro Hero SD card to your phone with2taps.This app replaces the obsolete GoPro SD Backup2Phone.Completely rewritten and optimized, with better performance,newinterface and more flexible.This app provides a quick and easy way to back up yourGoProHero3 (or other model) memory card to your Androiddevice.It's designed specifically with the GoPro Hero3 in mind, butwillwork with any Hero card you can mount on your Androiddevice.You will need an OTG USB cable and a card reader (or MicroUSBcard reader) to mount your GoPro's SD card on your phone. OTGUSBcables can be found in eBay for less than $5.GoPro SD cards are automatically detected, and only the mediafileswill be copied to your device.* Important notice about card detection:If your GoPro SD card is not automatically detected by theapp,chances are your phone's ROM is mounting USB external devicesinsome subdirectory of the internal memory, rather than inthestandard Android mnt directory.If you are experiencing this problem, please email me.This app was optimized for a 480p screen resolution(such asfoundon the Samsung Galaxy S2), but should work with any Androiddevicethat supports USB OTG and have a similar displayresolution.Devices with different screens may not display the app'smenusproperly but should still work, as long as OTG issupported.Prerequisites:* Your phone must support USB OTG (USB on the go).* You must have a USB OTG cable and a USB card reader, or amicroUSB card reader.* You will have to know your phone's storage mount name(emmc,sdcard, ext_sd etc) to set up the backup storagelocation.Features:* Backup all media files from your GoPro Hero3 or other HeromodelsSD into your phone's storage memory with two taps.* Backup files of one type only (photos, videos, videothumbnailsor Low Resolution Videos), or any combination oftypes.* One Tap Preset: Backup using your preferred settings(filetypes to copy and where to save them) with a single tap.* Selectable destination storage (internal phone storageorexpansion card).* Destination folder is automatically named by date and time,andplaced in "gopro backups" parent folder.* Progress barLimitations/known issues:* USB OTG data rate is slow. Live with it. It may take 10 minutestocopy 1GB.* Not all OTG cables and card readers created equal!Some will be slow to copy, drain battery in minutes, dismount theSDcard, cause random reboots, or any combination of the above.Avoidusing fancy readers with LEDs and hubs, they are power hungryandwill cause you grief.Test yours and change the OTG/card reader or both if you arehavingissues.To conserve battery, remove your OTG when copy is finished.* If your backup storage is full, the app may hang, or mayreporta successful copy, but the destination folder will havepartial orno data. Free some space then try again.* Large capacity memory cards consume more power. If yourdevicebehave nicely with smaller capacity cards but become unstablewiththe big ones, avoid using them.* Data stored on the SD card, outside of the ###GOPRO folderwillNOT be copied.* Touching the BACK button will make the graphicinterfacedisappear, but the app will not terminate. If a backup wasinprogress when this happened, it will complete successfullywithoutany visual progress indication, then a copy-finishednotificationwill show.* If the GoPro SD card is removed while copying is takingplace,the app may hang or report a successful copy.Make sure your OTG cable and card reader are securely connectedtoavoid accidental dismounting of the card reader.